Every year we welcome campers from all over the country to enjoy the exciting events hosted at Camp Jacob. We are here to help minister to people (young and old) by providing a safe, beautiful, and welcoming experience. Below you will find some of our most commonly asked questions. If you need clarification or need something answered that is not listed, feel free to contact us!

Who operates camp Jacob?

Camp Jacob is a Free Will Baptist ministry and is currently directed by Dennis Kennedy along with his family. There are 9 board members from the East Wise, West Wise, and Dickenson County John-Thomas Associations that direct the use of funds and provide oversight for the camp. But more importantly, as a ministry, we seek our direction from Jesus Christ and to make His name known.

Do you only offer summer events and camps?

No! Our camp is available for reservations throughout the year. We host picnics, retreats, and other private events. For more information on reserving your dates, please contact us.

If you are a ministry, why do you charge?

Great question! First, we try to keep our camp fees low and offer discounts so that as many children can come to camp as possible. Many local churches also provide financial assistance to students as needed. Second, every ministry has operating costs and financial needs. Because of the generous gifts (time, talents, and treasure) we receive each year, we are able to keep our costs down. In turn, these cost savings are passed along to campers! If you have a financial need but have a student interested in coming to camp, please contact us and we will talk to you about options available to you!